Ceremony: Granger Missionary Church - Granger, Indiana
Reception: Greencroft - Goshen, Indiana
I don't know what other people thinks makes a good party but I know I especially enjoy a wedding reception where the people there love to dance. Add in some great music, great food and beautiful decorations, well it doesn't get much better. A little different than other wedding I have shot, Gary and Gretchen had food stations with fruit, bread and fondue. They even had a chocolate fountain! Throw in some hot latin tunes and I danced around the reception as I took photographs.
Added to such a great party was one of the best ceremonies I have ever been to. The bride's father precided over the ceremony so not only was it beautiful and touching, it showed a father truly giving his daughter away to her husband. His humor and warmth carried the day.
Fun, touching, and romantic, this wedding had it all in spades!

Mmmm...nothing like a red corvette!

This look so good, I think I need some chocolate just looking at them.